Family Recharge Day

It took me a long time to learn how to self-care because I thought self-care was selfish, I thought self-care was being lazy, and I thought self-care meant I wasn’t getting things done that needed to get done and I was going to get behind. When you change the meaning of something to mean something more empowering, bigger, better, and …

Setting Up Children at School Tips

We have this routine set up, and then all my children have to do is brush their teeth, get ready, and take their vitamins. They’ve already packed their bags and everything; grab their lunch, put it in their backpack, and we’re ready to go. I am known to be a yeller when I get frustrated and overwhelmed. Well,  guess what? …

Celebrating Mother’s Day: A Tribute to Unconditional Love

As Mother’s Day approaches, it’s time to honor and celebrate the incredible women who have shaped our lives with love, sacrifice, and unwavering support. Whether it’s our own mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, or mother figures, this day is dedicated to expressing gratitude and appreciation for their profound impact. Motherhood is a journey filled with moments of joy, challenges, and profound lessons. …

Parents’ Role in Sports

One of the issues we have is that when our children leave home and walk out the door, who’s influencing them? One of the big influences in our lives are our coaches. These are the people that our kids go to and look up to. Our coaches are like the mack daddy of that sport our kids want to do. …

Power of Celebration

I have this client who was supposed to clean her room, so she created this agreement with her family. She said, “I will clean my room on Fridays, but for the rest of the week, I will just make sure I have no dirty dishes and no trash sitting around my room.” The mom and dad were okay because, ideally, …


When we grow up as children and the way we are parented, there’s a lot of us that say, “You know what? I’m not going to parent like that.” I am one of them. My mom was a single parent; she put herself in law school. There’s a lot of yelling and grounding. Our parents were doing the best that …

Honoring Women’s Month: Celebrating the Multifaceted Roles of Women

March isn’t just another month; it’s a time to commemorate the indomitable spirit and multifaceted roles of women worldwide. As we embrace Women’s Month, it’s essential to recognize the profound impact women have in various aspects of life – as daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, and so much more. As a Woman To be a woman is to embody strength, resilience, …

Differences Between Gender and Sex

We are all ignorant when we lack information. I thought gender was the sex when I was born. However, gender is not sex. Gender is a human innate sense of who you are on the scales of masculinity and femininity. Those scales generally describe how society describes masculine and feminine behavior, doing certain things, wearing certain things, and living and …

Parent’s Role in a Child’s Transitioning Gender

Why do we judge? It is because something that we are not aware of gives us anxiety. It’s such a common thing; we do it with everybody. It’s not the gender variant people; we have cases of body-shaming, colorism, and racism. Acceptance is a process. Parents who do have transitioning children may need to up their game and become more …

What If We Asked More Questions

When we blame our kids, saying that they didn’t do well enough, that they should do better, and that “I’m going to take your phone until you do better,” it’s putting in their minds that they’ve done something wrong. What if we were able to get a little curious and ask more questions? What if you, as a parent, actually …