In Home TurnAround... the Family Intervention You Need

Parenting challenges can range from the deeply annoying to life-interrupting. When your kids are out of control, the impact on your family is hard to fully calculate. Sleepless nights, fights with your spouse, and deep wounds to your self-esteem are not uncommon. The long-lasting impact on kids is even harder to determine. Kids are deeply resilient, but at some point their self-esteem is on the line.
When therapy, medication, and your current resources have reached their limits, it’s time to look at more efficient options. That’s where an InHome TurnAround comes in.
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In Home TurnAround... the Family Intervention You Need

When therapy, medication, and your current resources have reached their limits, it’s time to look at more efficient options. That’s where an InHome TurnAround comes in.
When therapy, medication, and your current resources have reached their limits, it’s time to look at more efficient options. That’s where an InHome TurnAround comes in.
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Family Intervention Specialist Veenu Keller Can Help

As a parent I know how hard it is to manage your regular list of to-dos. Add in a confrontational or challenging kid and your cup can easily run over. Parents often seek out traditional help as a first pass: counseling, tutors, their pediatrician, clergy, trusted friends and family are the most obvious places to begin.
Most of the families I work with have a myriad of solutions in play when they contact me. The common theme however is that these solutions are still not enough and the family is getting worn out. It’s at this place that families face a turning point: find a better solution or accept that this struggle is going to be around for a long time to come.

Faced with that reality, families seek out a family intervention specialist like me to help turn their situation around. And that is where my expertise shines.

Family Intervention Specialist Veenu Keller Can Help

As a parent I know how hard it is to manage your regular list of to-dos. Add in a confrontational or challenging kid and your cup can easily run over. Parents often seek out traditional help as a first pass: counseling, tutors, their pediatrician, clergy, trusted friends and family are the most obvious places to begin.
Most of the families I work with have a myriad of solutions in play when they contact me. The common theme however is that these solutions are still not enough and the family is getting worn out. It’s at this place that families face a turning point: find a better solution or accept that this struggle is going to be around for a long time to come.

Faced with that reality, families seek out a family intervention specialist like me to help turn their situation around. And that is where my expertise shines.

What Is An InHome TurnAround?

An InHome TurnAround is a 4-day, in-person, immersive experience for you and your family. I come to your home to observe, coach, support, train, and then depart.

It looks like this:

DAY #1

Welcome To Your World

Today is a day to observe. My goal is to understand everyone’s unique model of the world so I can understand the different filters each person operates from. That gives me the knowledge to see blocks, resistance, differences, fears, and even barriers that are interfering with how the family operates and loves one another.

Day #2

Veenu’s In Charge

Today is a day where I take over the reins. I work with the family to enforce the guidelines and boundaries that are already set. I also spend time with each person individually to see how they view their home life with each other and with others.

DAY #3

We Work Together

Today is the day where I work with the parents to integrate what was shown on day #2. We work on skill building for powerful topics like: follow through, consistency, giving choices/options, directives vs. asking and more.

Day #4

On Your Own

Today’s the day that I let the parents do it all. I do not interfere, but rather coach parents away from the kids so the kids see their parents in charge. We set the “new normal” and the kids witness the change in leadership that has occured over the past 3 days. We create plans for future coaching so parents get the on-going support they need now that their new routines have been established.

What Is An InHome TurnAround?

An InHome TurnAround is a 4-day, in-person, immersive experience for you and your family. I come to your home to observe, coach, support, train, and then depart.

It looks like this:

DAY #1

Welcome To Your World

Today is a day to observe. My goal is to understand everyone’s unique model of the world so I can understand the different filters each person operates from. That gives me the knowledge to see blocks, resistance, differences, fears, and even barriers that are interfering with how the family operates and loves one another.

Day #2

Veenu’s In Charge

Today is a day where I take over the reins. I work with the family to enforce the guidelines and boundaries that are already set. I also spend time with each person individually to see how they view their home life with each other and with others.

DAY #3

We Work Together

Today is the day where I work with the parents to integrate what was shown on day #2. We work on skill building for powerful topics like: follow through, consistency, giving choices/options, directives vs. asking and more.

Day #4

On Your Own

Today’s the day that I let the parents do it all. I do not interfere, but rather coach parents away from the kids so the kids see their parents in charge. We set the “new normal” and the kids witness the change in leadership that has occured over the past 3 days. We create plans for future coaching so parents get the on-going support they need now that their new routines have been established.

What Is An InHome TurnAround?

An InHome TurnAround is a 4-day, in-person, immersive experience for you and your family. I come to your home to observe, coach, support, train, and then depart.

It looks like this:

DAY #1

Welcome To Your World

Today is a day to observe. My goal is to understand everyone’s unique model of the world so I can understand the different filters each person operates from. That gives me the knowledge to see blocks, resistance, differences, fears, and even barriers that are interfering with how the family operates and loves one another.

Day #2

Veenu’s In Charge

Today is a day where I take over the reins. I work with the family to enforce the guidelines and boundaries that are already set. I also spend time with each person individually to see how they view their home life with each other and with others.

DAY #3

We Work Together

Today is the day where I work with the parents to integrate what was shown on day #2. We work on skill building for pow20erful topics like: follow through, consistency, giving choices/options, directives vs. asking and more.

Day #4

On Your Own

Today’s the day that I let the parents do it all. I do not interfere, but rather coach parents away from the kids so the kids see their parents in charge. We set the “new normal” and the kids witness the change in leadership that has occured over the past 3 days. We create plans for future coaching so parents get the on-going support they need now that their new routines have been established.

How can an InHome TurnAround change your family for the better?

Over the 4 days I get to know your situation inside and out. From that place I offer you the guidance you need to be a stronger parent.
  • That doesn’t mean that you’re running a bootcamp, it means that you’re empowered.

  • It doesn’t mean you’re tough as nails, it means you have boundaries.

  • It doesn’t mean you’re cruel and cold, it means you know the words to instruct your kids without using the tactics of blame and shame.

  • It doesn’t mean you’re unloving, it means you love them enough to see the bigger picture so the challenges they faced at 3 do not come back to roost at 13 and 23.

  • It doesn’t mean you stop having fun, it means you put fun in its place, so rewards, gifts, and treats are no longer manipulation tactics used against you.

  • It doesn’t mean you’re the bad Mommy or the mean Daddy, it means you’re the parents who act as a cohesive team so your kids can’t manipulate you to get what they want.

  • It means your kids get a childhood again…

  • It means your kids stop acting out to get their needs met…

  • It means your marriage or partnership is not at risk because your parenting styles differ…

  • It means you get your kids back. Maybe even for the first time.


How can an InHome TurnAround change your family for the better?

Over the 4 days I get to know your situation inside and out. From that place I offer you the guidance you need to be a stronger parent.
  • That doesn’t mean that you’re running a bootcamp, it means that you’re empowered.

  • It doesn’t mean you’re tough as nails, it means you have boundaries.

  • It doesn’t mean you’re cruel and cold, it means you know the words to instruct your kids without using the tactics of blame and shame.

  • It doesn’t mean you’re unloving, it means you love them enough to see the bigger picture so the challenges they faced at 3 do not come back to roost at 13 and 23.

  • It doesn’t mean you stop having fun, it means you put fun in its place, so rewards, gifts, and treats are no longer manipulation tactics used against you.

  • It doesn’t mean you’re the bad Mommy or the mean Daddy, it means you’re the parents who act as a cohesive team so your kids can’t manipulate you to get what they want.

  • It means your kids get a childhood again…

  • It means your kids stop acting out to get their needs met…

  • It means your marriage or partnership is not at risk because your parenting styles differ…

  • It means you get your kids back. Maybe even for the first time.

Happy Families Testimonials

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Happy Families Testimonials

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Take the free InHome TurnAround assessment

An InHome Turnaround is for families ready to change. They are past talking and complaining and they want answers. If you’ve reached your “enough is enough” these are your next steps.
  1. Take the assessment
  2. Explore your results
  3. Schedule a call with me
Take the Assesment

Take The Free InHome TurnAround Assessment

An InHome Turnaround is for families ready to change. They are past talking and complaining and they want answers. If you’ve reached your “enough is enough” these are your next steps.
  1. Take the assessment
  2. Explore your results
  3. Schedule a call with me
Take the Assesment

Contact Veenu Today

An InHome TurnAround will change your life. As a family intervention specialist, I offer everyone a complimentary consultation to see if working together makes sense. Please complete the form below and I will get in touch to schedule a call.
And, don’t forget to take the assessment, it will give you some greater insight into your situation and solutions that can help.
Schedule A Call

Contact Veenu today

An InHome TurnAround will change your life. As a family intervention specialist, I offer everyone a complimentary consultation to see if working together makes sense. Please complete the form below and I will get in touch to schedule a call.

And, don’t forget to take the assessment, it will give you some greater insight into your situation and solutions that can help.

Schedule A Call