"See Exactly What It Take To Bring
Your Home From Chaos To Calm"
Learn How To Get Your Kids To Listen & Quit Fighting You Every Step Of The Way.
Only Then Will You Fall Back In Love With Being A Parent (Maybe Even For The First Time)
I’m Veenu Keller. Parenting coach, “kid whisperer” and bringer of “the peace” you crave.

"See Exactly What It Take To Bring
Your Home From Chaos To Calm"
Learn How To Get Your Kids To Listen & Quit Fighting You Every Step Of The Way.
Only Then Will You Fall Back In Love With Being A Parent (Maybe Even For The First Time)
I’m Veenu Keller. Parenting coach, “kid whisperer” and bringer of “the peace” you crave.

"See Exactly What It Take To Bring
Your Home From Chaos To Calm"
Learn How To Get Your Kids To Listen & Quit Fighting You Every Step Of The Way.
Only Then Will You Fall Back In Love With Being A Parent (Maybe Even For The First Time)
I’m Veenu Keller. Parenting coach, “kid whisperer” and bringer of “the peace” you crave.

So You Get It Right This Time…
Being a parent is not for the faint at heart. I know, I’m every kind of Mom there can be, Bio-Mom and Stepmom. I tried everything to get my kids to cooperate and stop fighting me so we could live in peace.
I’ve been the “fun Mom”, the yelling Mom, the silent Mom, the Mom who bought them gifts and the one who taught them “lessons” … but no matter what I did, my kids didn’t get it.
Really, it was me who didn’t get it.
No matter what I tried, nothing worked.
Until I learned how to relate to my kids differently.
- They kept acting out.
- They backtalked.
- And argued.
The more our fighting escalated, the less power I had.
It was madness to come home from work and enter a battle arena.

So You Get It Right This Time…

Being a parent is not for the faint at heart. I know, I’m every kind of Mom there can be, Bio-Mom and Stepmom. I tried everything to get my kids to cooperate and stop fighting me so we could live in peace.
I’ve been the “fun Mom”, the yelling Mom, the silent Mom, the Mom who bought them gifts and the one who taught them “lessons” … but no matter what I did, my kids didn’t get it.
Really, it was me who didn’t get it.
No matter what I tried, nothing worked.
Until I learned how to relate to my kids differently.
- They kept acting out.
- They backtalked.
- And argued.
The more our fighting escalated, the less power I had.
It was madness to come home from work and enter a battle arena.
Like you, I started out without a manual. No one handed me that “magic manual” for how to raise kind, respectful kids at the maternity ward.
Somehow, I was supposed to figure this out on my own.

Somehow the hospital trusted me with these little babies to get it right. Were they sure about that?
Being a parent is the hardest job of your life. It requires you to give of yourself every single day. Every day, no matter how you feel, or what you want, or what you need… somehow you must muster up the energy to do more for these little people.
Even the cat or the dog give you a moment’s rest. Not kids.
Kids demand time. Resources. Energy. And when you’re depleted or having an off-day, you must find it somewhere.
So what happens? Over time, your kids learn how to work with whatever you bring them to get their needs met. It’s almost as if it’s in their DNA to thrive under any amount of pressure or stress.
But that doesn’t mean kids act with elegance or grace. Kids are not well-trained PR professionals or speech writers who know how to finesse their words. No, kids come at you raw and real.
They give it to you straight from their emotional hearts. They use their feelings because all-too
-often the crazy-making that happens at home starts when kids are too young to have the right words to express how they feel.
So they yell.
- They kick.
- They scream.
- They hide.
- They are silent.
And you’re left trying to figure it out.
Like you, I started out without a manual. No one handed me that “magic manual” for how to raise kind, respectful kids at the maternity ward.
Somehow, I was supposed to figure this out on my own.

Somehow the hospital trusted me with these little babies to get it right. Were they sure about that?
Being a parent is the hardest job of your life. It requires you to give of yourself every single day. Every day, no matter how you feel, or what you want, or what you need… somehow you must muster up the energy to do more for these little people.
Even the cat or the dog give you a moment’s rest. Not kids.
Kids demand time. Resources. Energy. And when you’re depleted or having an off-day, you must find it somewhere.
So what happens? Over time, your kids learn how to work with whatever you bring them to get their needs met. It’s almost as if it’s in their DNA to thrive under any amount of pressure or stress.
But that doesn’t mean kids act with elegance or grace. Kids are not well-trained PR professionals or speech writers who know how to finesse their words. No, kids come at you raw and real.
They give it to you straight from their emotional hearts. They use their feelings because all-too
-often the crazy-making that happens at home starts when kids are too young to have the right words to express how they feel.
So they yell.
- They kick.
- They scream.
- They hide.
- They are silent.
And you’re left trying to figure it out.
Like you, I started out without a manual. No one handed me that “magic manual” for how to raise kind, respectful kids at the maternity ward.
Somehow, I was supposed to figure this out on my own.

Somehow the hospital trusted me with these little babies to get it right. Were they sure about that?
Being a parent is the hardest job of your life. It requires you to give of yourself every single day. Every day, no matter how you feel, or what you want, or what you need… somehow you must muster up the energy to do more for these little people.
Even the cat or the dog give you a moment’s rest. Not kids.
Kids demand time. Resources. Energy. And when you’re depleted or having an off-day, you must find it somewhere.
So what happens? Over time, your kids learn how to work with whatever you bring them to get their needs met. It’s almost as if it’s in their DNA to thrive under any amount of pressure or stress.
But that doesn’t mean kids act with elegance or grace. Kids are not well-trained PR professionals or speech writers who know how to finesse their words. No, kids come at you raw and real.
They give it to you straight from their emotional hearts. They use their feelings because all-too
-often the crazy-making that happens at home starts when kids are too young to have the right words to express how they feel.
So they yell.
- They kick.
- They scream.
- They hide.
- They are silent.
And you’re left trying to figure it out.
Where is your decoder ring to translate your kid’s latest outburst?
But I want you to know, I’ve got this and I’ve got you.
Being a parent does require new skills. But those skills are not found in a doctor’s office or a recipe book. They are found by finally understanding HOW kids communicate so you can translate their words and actions into something that actually makes sense to you.
I help you translate your kid’s words and actions into something you can...
- Understand, so their outbursts provoke less anxiety for you.
- Relate to, so your child’s pain, hurt, anger, fear, or sadness is met with love and compassion.
- Act on, so you react by choice and with care.
- Soothe, so you both feel heard and understood.
- Finally, resolve so you can fix what can be changed, mend what feels broken, and move on.
Being known as the kid-whisper has a lot of baggage with it, so let me unpack that for you.
I am a child-behavioral specialist. I have helped thousands of families over the years and my realm of expertise is working with parents and kids who have lost the ability (maybe they never had it) to communicate.
My families come to me when they have reached a place where they are finally tired enough to say “uncle”. They are worn out. In tears. Desperate for a solution… if they only knew that this solution could have been achieved long before they reached their breaking point.
That’s what I want to teach you.
You don’t have to be the family that has hit “rock bottom”. You don’t have to wait for the “last outburst” or the dreaded call from the principal’s office or the incident with your kid that leaves you riddled with shame and embarrassment to ask for help.
And really, it’s important to not think of this as help.
This isn’t therapy. This isn’t coaching. I’m not a pharmacist or a psychiatrist.
Now, if you’re desperate, you’ve probably already done all of those things.
You’ve been to the pediatrician looking for a “reason” your kid acts out.
You’ve hunted online for the diagnosis or the medication that will “fix your kid”.
You’ve read every book on ADHD, ODD, defiant behavior, and more.
But if you’re here, those solutions have not done enough.
You need something new.
What I am offering you is a guide. It is the translation manual. It is the cipher or a key to help you understand what your kid is actually trying to communicate with their behavior.
So it can stop.
So they can feel safe.
And no longer need to hit walls to get your attention. Or yell at you for breathing or simply being in the same room with them.
I get it.
I know what it’s like to feel like you speak a different language from your kid. To really question God or your higher power asking what this is all for? Why is this child in your life? What is the purpose of all of this suffering and stress?
Because there is no universe in existence where your desire to be a parent meant signing up for this.
When you dreamed of being a Mom or Dad, your vision wasn’t this. In no way, was this what you thought being a parent was all about…
Yelling at your kids
Shaming them into doing their chores
Arguing to make progress on anything…
The idea that your kids respect you simply because you yell and scare them is terrible.
Knowing this, feeling this, puts your own self-esteem at risk.
How can you ever feel good about yourself if the only way your kids ever listen is when you yell them into submission.
Or believe you can handle what life throws at you if your kids derail you so greatly that your only course of action is to leave the room because it’s too hard to even find the words to try one more time.
This is not what parenting is meant to be, and I want to show you a new way.
Where is your decoder ring to translate your kid’s latest outburst?
But I want you to know, I’ve got this and I’ve got you.
Being a parent does require new skills. But those skills are not found in a doctor’s office or a recipe book. They are found by finally understanding HOW kids communicate so you can translate their words and actions into something that actually makes sense to you.
I help you translate your kid’s words and actions into something you can...
- Understand, so their outbursts provoke less anxiety for you.
- Relate to, so your child’s pain, hurt, anger, fear, or sadness is met with love and compassion.
- Act on, so you react by choice and with care.
- Soothe, so you both feel heard and understood.
- Finally, resolve so you can fix what can be changed, mend what feels broken, and move on.
Being known as the kid-whisper has a lot of baggage with it, so let me unpack that for you.
I am a child-behavioral specialist. I have helped thousands of families over the years and my realm of expertise is working with parents and kids who have lost the ability (maybe they never had it) to communicate.
My families come to me when they have reached a place where they are finally tired enough to say “uncle”. They are worn out. In tears. Desperate for a solution… if they only knew that this solution could have been achieved long before they reached their breaking point.
That’s what I want to teach you.
You don’t have to be the family that has hit “rock bottom”. You don’t have to wait for the “last outburst” or the dreaded call from the principal’s office or the incident with your kid that leaves you riddled with shame and embarrassment to ask for help.
And really, it’s important to not think of this as help.
This isn’t therapy. This isn’t coaching. I’m not a pharmacist or a psychiatrist.
Now, if you’re desperate, you’ve probably already done all of those things.
You’ve been to the pediatrician looking for a “reason” your kid acts out.
You’ve hunted online for the diagnosis or the medication that will “fix your kid”.
You’ve read every book on ADHD, ODD, defiant behavior, and more.
But if you’re here, those solutions have not done enough.
You need something new.
What I am offering you is a guide. It is the translation manual. It is the cipher or a key to help you understand what your kid is actually trying to communicate with their behavior.
So it can stop.
So they can feel safe.
And no longer need to hit walls to get your attention. Or yell at you for breathing or simply being in the same room with them.
I get it.
I know what it’s like to feel like you speak a different language from your kid. To really question God or your higher power asking what this is all for? Why is this child in your life? What is the purpose of all of this suffering and stress?
Because there is no universe in existence where your desire to be a parent meant signing up for this.
When you dreamed of being a Mom or Dad, your vision wasn’t this. In no way, was this what you thought being a parent was all about…
Yelling at your kids
Shaming them into doing their chores
Arguing to make progress on anything…
The idea that your kids respect you simply because you yell and scare them is terrible.
Knowing this, feeling this, puts your own self-esteem at risk.
How can you ever feel good about yourself if the only way your kids ever listen is when you yell them into submission.
Or believe you can handle what life throws at you if your kids derail you so greatly that your only course of action is to leave the room because it’s too hard to even find the words to try one more time.
This is not what parenting is meant to be, and I want to show you a new way.
I can’t take away the past, but I can give you a new plan for the future. And not a future that starts after months of working, one that begins today. One that starts as soon as you hit play on the very first video in this course.
You see, parenting in a better way begins with your commitment to being a better parent.
Will you get it right all the time, no.
No one does.
But you will give yourself the tools, words, scripts, and direction so instead of feeling out of control when your kid starts to escalate, you will have new words to use.
Words that work.
Words that heal.
Words that change the outcome.
I know it’s hard to believe. You’ve been at this a long time, and really, why would anything I say change your parenting outcomes?

Because I’ve done it before.
This isn’t my first rodeo. Remember my kids and what I said about how hard parenting was for me? It’s true, they got the best of me for a while. Until I really got one basic fact: their behavior exists for a reason.
If I could only find the space in my thinking to NOT react, I could start to think a new thought.
That thought, and this is my gift to you for reading this far, is to ask one simple question:
What is the behavior trying to say?
What is their outburst, their yelling, their silence trying to communicate to me?
And can you hear that instead?
I want to teach you to Crack The Code To Parenting. So you have the resources you need to change your world.
Not after years of therapy.
Not after months of coaching.
Not after “the medication starts working”.
Not after they change schools… meet better friends or stop hanging out with the wrong crowd.
We’re going to change things NOW.
Crack The Code To Parenting is a 6-step program
to bring about a more peaceful life.
It will create calm in your household.
You will stop fighting with your kids.
You will get rid of the unnecessary fights with your spouse.
You will get to know your children in a way you have only dreamed of.
You will learn new things about yourself.
And, best of all, you will not learn these things once. You will learn them for a lifetime.
This is the path to creating and forging relationships with your children that carry over into adulthood. So your kids always want to be in your life.
Crack The Code To Parenting...Give Your Kids The Childhood They Don’t Have to Heal From!
Isn’t that the goal?
To build lifelong, loving, respectful, harmonious relationships with your kids?

I can’t take away the past, but I can give you a new plan for the future. And not a future that starts after months of working, one that begins today. One that starts as soon as you hit play on the very first video in this course.
You see, parenting in a better way begins with your commitment to being a better parent.
Will you get it right all the time, no.
No one does.
But you will give yourself the tools, words, scripts, and direction so instead of feeling out of control when your kid starts to escalate, you will have new words to use.
Words that work.
Words that heal.
Words that change the outcome.
I know it’s hard to believe. You’ve been at this a long time, and really, why would anything I say change your parenting outcomes?

Because I’ve done it before.
This isn’t my first rodeo. Remember my kids and what I said about how hard parenting was for me? It’s true, they got the best of me for a while. Until I really got one basic fact: their behavior exists for a reason.
If I could only find the space in my thinking to NOT react, I could start to think a new thought.
That thought, and this is my gift to you for reading this far, is to ask one simple question:
What is the behavior trying to say?
What is their outburst, their yelling, their silence trying to communicate to me?
And can you hear that instead?
I want to teach you to Crack The Code To Parenting. So you have the resources you need to change your world.
Not after years of therapy.
Not after months of coaching.
Not after “the medication starts working”.
Not after they change schools… meet better friends or stop hanging out with the wrong crowd.
We’re going to change things NOW.
Crack The Code To Parenting is a 6-step program
to bring about a more peaceful life.
It will create calm in your household.
You will stop fighting with your kids.
You will get rid of the unnecessary fights with your spouse.
You will get to know your children in a way you have only dreamed of.
You will learn new things about yourself.
And, best of all, you will not learn these things once. You will learn them for a lifetime.
This is the path to creating and forging relationships with your children that carry over into adulthood. So your kids always want to be in your life.
Crack The Code To Parenting...Give Your Kids The Childhood They Don’t Have to Heal From!
Isn’t that the goal?
To build lifelong, loving, respectful, harmonious relationships with your kids?
Let me show you how it’s done:
Module #1
- What do you want to improve?
- And what is your part?
- And identify the roadmap ahead for you and your kids.
- What do you need greater clarity about?
- What do you need greater clarity about?
- You will learn that parenting is a “behavior” and how that applies to you and your life.
- We investigate why you operate as you do from a DISC perspective. This eliminates the guessing-game for what’s underneath your actions/reactions.
- I teach you to love your kid’s strengths and guide their weaknesses.
- What do you need greater clarity about?
- Finally, we dive into how to set the standards and model what you want.
Module #2
Module #3
- Behavior has a reason for being… This is the “why” underneath it all.
- Tone and “how” things are said.
- Sibling rivalry.
- Tantrums and power struggles.
- Stealing and lying.
- Aggressive behaviors.
- Passive-aggressive behaviors.
- Self-worth and self-esteem.
- We investigate why you operate as you do from a DISC perspective. This eliminates the guessing-game for what’s underneath your actions/reactions.
- Defensiveness and what it’s trying to teach you.
- Building rapport with your kids by using your new super-power… curiosity.
- Finally, questions that lead you to respond not react to your kid’s behaviors.
Module #4
Module #5
- We unpack what makes kid’s truly feel safe so they can be vulnerable and open up.
- The immeasurable value of boundaries.
- While kids thrive with structure, this is often hard on parents who feel tempted to be the “easy” parent. Here’s how to push through that.
- Showing you care vs. talking about caring.
- Rules and consequences – doing it the right way.
- Getting clear on your roadmap so you can set realistic expectations for the future.
- Watching for setbacks and slides.
- Being realistic with your goals.
- Finally, holding yourself accountable for the future you most desire for your family, and yourself.
- Finally, we dive into how to set the standards and model what you want.
Module #6
And finally, my bonus gift to you for signing up today is a script + plan to create a Healthy Family Meeting.
Lots of people suggest Family Meetings, only to have the lack of structure lead to fighting and arguing, the exact opposite of what I want for you. My Family Meeting plan is the one I use with families I move in with for an “In Home TurnAround” and is a priceless asset in your parenting toolkit.
My Crack The Code To Parenting: 6 Steps To A Peaceful Family Life program is yours for $997. This program normally sells for $2997, it can be yours now for only $997
Let me show you how it’s done:
Module #1
- What do you want to improve?
- And what is your part?
- And identify the roadmap ahead for you and your kids.
- What do you need greater clarity about?
- What do you need greater clarity about?
Module #2
- You will learn that parenting is a “behavior” and how that applies to you and your life.
- We investigate why you operate as you do from a DISC perspective. This eliminates the guessing-game for what’s underneath your actions/reactions.
- I teach you to love your kid’s strengths and guide their weaknesses.
- What do you need greater clarity about?
- Finally, we dive into how to set the standards and model what you want.
Module #3
- Behavior has a reason for being… This is the “why” underneath it all.
- Tone and “how” things are said.
- Sibling rivalry.
- Tantrums and power struggles.
- Stealing and lying.
- Aggressive behaviors.
- Passive-aggressive behaviors.
Module #4
- Self-worth and self-esteem.
- We investigate why you operate as you do from a DISC perspective. This eliminates the guessing-game for what’s underneath your actions/reactions.
- Defensiveness and what it’s trying to teach you.
- Building rapport with your kids by using your new super-power… curiosity.
- Finally, questions that lead you to respond not react to your kid’s behaviors.
Module #5
- We unpack what makes kid’s truly feel safe so they can be vulnerable and open up.
- The immeasurable value of boundaries.
- While kids thrive with structure, this is often hard on parents who feel tempted to be the “easy” parent. Here’s how to push through that.
- Showing you care vs. talking about caring.
- Rules and consequences – doing it the right way.
Module #6
- Getting clear on your roadmap so you can set realistic expectations for the future.
- Watching for setbacks and slides.
- Being realistic with your goals.
- Finally, holding yourself accountable for the future you most desire for your family, and yourself.
- Finally, we dive into how to set the standards and model what you want.
And finally, my bonus gift to you for signing up today is a script + plan to create a Healthy Family Meeting.
Lots of people suggest Family Meetings, only to have the lack of structure lead to fighting and arguing, the exact opposite of what I want for you. My Family Meeting plan is the one I use with families I move in with for an “In Home TurnAround” and is a priceless asset in your parenting toolkit.
My Crack The Code To Parenting: 6 Steps To A Peaceful Family Life program is yours for $997. This program normally sells for $2997, it can be yours now for only $997
See what means more to you:
- Bachelor's in psychology from Campbell University with honors
- Certified by the state of North Carolina as an Infant-Toddler Family Specialist
- Specializations include: working with children on the Autism Spectrum
- Extensively trained in ABA therapy
- Graduate & Trainer of the Tony Robbins' Mastery University and Leadership Academy
- Licensed by Dr. Amen Brain Trainer
- Licensed by Joseph McClendon, III as Neuroencoding Specialist (coaching/Presentation)
- Certified Master Life Coach
- Certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Certified in Hypnotherapy
- Certified in FreedomPoint
- Certified in Time Line therapy
- Certified Behavior Consultant specializing in the DISC™ personality assessment
- Best-selling author of Numb and Bully Proof
- As a young adult, I experienced bullying, depression, and a profound sense of not belonging
- Being of Indian descent, not only did I not look like the people around me, I deeply questioned my own worth and value on the planet
- At 15, I tried to take my own life, thankfully someone stopped me
- This led to years of cutting to help numb the pain of the bullying
- At 34, everything changed with my first Tony Robbins’ seminar
- Kids were my calling. I have 6 children (4 of my own and 2 step-children) and they give me a lens of unlimited possibilities
- My missions include: global campaigns on bullying prevention, battered women, self-harm and suicide prevention
- AND parenting without blame and shame.
See what means more to you:
- Bachelor's in psychology from Campbell University with honors
- Certified by the state of North Carolina as an Infant-Toddler Family Specialist
- Specializations include: working with children on the Autism Spectrum
- Extensively trained in ABA therapy
- Graduate & Trainer of the Tony Robbins' Mastery University and Leadership Academy
- Licensed by Dr. Amen Brain Trainer
- Licensed by Joseph McClendon, III as Neuroencoding Specialist (coaching/Presentation)
- Certified Master Life Coach
- Certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Certified in Hypnotherapy
- Certified in FreedomPoint
- Certified in Time Line therapy
- Certified Behavior Consultant specializing in the DISC™ personality assessment
- Best-selling author of Numb and Bully Proof
- As a young adult, I experienced bullying, depression, and a profound sense of not belonging
- Being of Indian descent, not only did I not look like the people around me, I deeply questioned my own worth and value on the planet
- At 15, I tried to take my own life, thankfully someone stopped me
- This led to years of cutting to help numb the pain of the bullying
- At 34, everything changed with my first Tony Robbins’ seminar
- Kids were my calling. I have 6 children (4 of my own and 2 step-children) and they give me a lens of unlimited possibilities
- My missions include: global campaigns on bullying prevention, battered women, self-harm and suicide prevention
- AND parenting without blame and shame.
More About Me

I’m Veenu Keller, parent coach, child behavioral specialist, in-home interventionist, best-selling author, Certified Master Life Coach, and founder of The In Home Family TurnAround Program. I help families recover and grow closer together. Often this happens after a time of intense stress, where the kids and their parents have lost their sense of “peace”. The joy has gone out of parenting and the “when will this be over” has set in. This 6-module course will give you the practical tools and insights to get your family on the road to a peaceful future.
Purchase Crack The Code To Parenting: 6 Steps To A Peaceful Family Life for only $997 today.
Bonus gift: Family Meetings Done Right
Lots of people talk about family meetings, only to have the first few fizzle out or escalate into arguments making things far worse than before. If that has happened to you, you need my template so you create a safe space for your kids to air grievances and for you to gain greater cooperation and support.
Not 100% sure, let’s talk. I am happy to talk to Moms and Dads about how this program works. There’s no cost for a call, you can schedule one today on my calendar so we can talk.
More About Me

I’m Veenu Keller, parent coach, child behavioral specialist, in-home interventionist, best-selling author, Certified Master Life Coach, and founder of The In Home Family TurnAround Program. I help families recover and grow closer together. Often this happens after a time of intense stress, where the kids and their parents have lost their sense of “peace”. The joy has gone out of parenting and the “when will this be over” has set in. This 6-module course will give you the practical tools and insights to get your family on the road to a peaceful future.
Purchase Crack The Code To Parenting: 6 Steps To A Peaceful Family Life for only $997 today.
Bonus gift: Family Meetings Done Right
Lots of people talk about family meetings, only to have the first few fizzle out or escalate into arguments making things far worse than before. If that has happened to you, you need my template so you create a safe space for your kids to air grievances and for you to gain greater cooperation and support.
Not 100% sure, let’s talk. I am happy to talk to Moms and Dads about how this program works. There’s no cost for a call, you can schedule one today on my calendar so we can talk.