
Veenu's Blog


Veenu's Blog

Parenting Blogs From Veenu...

Featured image for “Adulting”


“Adulting.” We never heard that word when we were kids. What is adulting, right? We just grow up, and we have to do our own thing. And as my children are doing that now, we’ve seen them haven’t had jobs or whatever, and now it’s so different from us. We…
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Featured image for “Embracing Awkward Silences: Navigating Teenage Interpersonal Skills”

Embracing Awkward Silences: Navigating Teenage Interpersonal Skills

Teenagers lack interpersonal skills, but can you blame them? It’s what they prefer to text, versus even facetiming, so they’re not getting, they’re not calling, they’re not doing in-person hangout sessions, or whenever they are, they’re on their phones. So they definitely are not getting the interpersonal skill development that…
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Featured image for “Empowering Kids: Finding Authentic Goals and Overcoming Fear of Disappointment”

Empowering Kids: Finding Authentic Goals and Overcoming Fear of Disappointment

There comes a sense, mostly with kids, “Am I going to disappoint someone?” “What if I don’t reach the outcome of that goal if I don’t succeed in that goal? And then, if I disappoint someone, I’m not going to be enough for my parents.” I know a lot of…
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Featured image for “From Screens to Dreams: Empowering Teens’ Inner Drive”

From Screens to Dreams: Empowering Teens’ Inner Drive

Where do we help these kids to really go into that internal drive and start recognizing it? So first and foremost, we have to get them off their devices and spend less time on phones, scrolling mindlessly, and watching videos that aren’t really adding any value to their lives. Because…
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Featured image for “Learning from Mistakes in Teen Development”

Learning from Mistakes in Teen Development

A lot of parents asked me, like, “What do you mean by safe space? Does your child feel safe sharing with you?” Most parents, we all want to say, “Of course they do. Of course my kids want to talk.” No, not everything. And one of the key things that…
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Featured image for “Continuity of Traditions in the Family”

Continuity of Traditions in the Family

What are some of the things or kinds of rituals you guys do with your family? Some of the things that I still do that I got from my mom are that, like, I never grew up cuddling, but, like, on the weekends because my mom was so busy, I…
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Featured image for “Balancing Support and Independence in Teenagers’ Lives”

Balancing Support and Independence in Teenagers’ Lives

I read an article about how a lot of teens today actually have less independence than previous generations had. Because now parents can, like, track on their phones. You know, you’ve got college kids where their parents are contacting the professors, their parents are finding roommates for them, their parents.…
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Featured image for “From Expectation to Appreciation”

From Expectation to Appreciation

Exchanging expectations or trading them in for appreciation. I never understood what it meant until I started to realize all the times that I was angry, all the times that I was frustrated, and all the times that I felt like I didn’t have control over things. And I realized…
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Featured image for “Adolescent Adventures”

Adolescent Adventures

What is going on with teenagers nowadays? Like, especially with these teens, “Oh, sex is not a big deal. I’m curious about it.” I’m seeing it more after COVID. Like, once people are able to get out after being closed up for a year, they’re going out. But it’s so…
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Featured image for “Meditation to Calm our Kids”

Meditation to Calm our Kids

This is how we do meditation with kids. We get a very quiet place just sitting. I let kids either sit or lie down. I love to do body scans with kids, which basically focus on one part of their body at a time. So we’ll start with the head.…
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Parenting Blogs From Veenu...

Featured image for “Adulting”


“Adulting.” We never heard that word when we were kids. What is adulting, right? We just grow up, and we have to do our own thing. And as my children are doing that now, we’ve seen them haven’t had jobs or whatever, and now it’s so different from us. We…
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Featured image for “Embracing Awkward Silences: Navigating Teenage Interpersonal Skills”

Embracing Awkward Silences: Navigating Teenage Interpersonal Skills

Teenagers lack interpersonal skills, but can you blame them? It’s what they prefer to text, versus even facetiming, so they’re not getting, they’re not calling, they’re not doing in-person hangout sessions, or whenever they are, they’re on their phones. So they definitely are not getting the interpersonal skill development that…
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Featured image for “Empowering Kids: Finding Authentic Goals and Overcoming Fear of Disappointment”

Empowering Kids: Finding Authentic Goals and Overcoming Fear of Disappointment

There comes a sense, mostly with kids, “Am I going to disappoint someone?” “What if I don’t reach the outcome of that goal if I don’t succeed in that goal? And then, if I disappoint someone, I’m not going to be enough for my parents.” I know a lot of…
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Featured image for “From Screens to Dreams: Empowering Teens’ Inner Drive”

From Screens to Dreams: Empowering Teens’ Inner Drive

Where do we help these kids to really go into that internal drive and start recognizing it? So first and foremost, we have to get them off their devices and spend less time on phones, scrolling mindlessly, and watching videos that aren’t really adding any value to their lives. Because…
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Featured image for “Learning from Mistakes in Teen Development”

Learning from Mistakes in Teen Development

A lot of parents asked me, like, “What do you mean by safe space? Does your child feel safe sharing with you?” Most parents, we all want to say, “Of course they do. Of course my kids want to talk.” No, not everything. And one of the key things that…
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Featured image for “Continuity of Traditions in the Family”

Continuity of Traditions in the Family

What are some of the things or kinds of rituals you guys do with your family? Some of the things that I still do that I got from my mom are that, like, I never grew up cuddling, but, like, on the weekends because my mom was so busy, I…
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Featured image for “Balancing Support and Independence in Teenagers’ Lives”

Balancing Support and Independence in Teenagers’ Lives

I read an article about how a lot of teens today actually have less independence than previous generations had. Because now parents can, like, track on their phones. You know, you’ve got college kids where their parents are contacting the professors, their parents are finding roommates for them, their parents.…
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Featured image for “From Expectation to Appreciation”

From Expectation to Appreciation

Exchanging expectations or trading them in for appreciation. I never understood what it meant until I started to realize all the times that I was angry, all the times that I was frustrated, and all the times that I felt like I didn’t have control over things. And I realized…
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Featured image for “Adolescent Adventures”

Adolescent Adventures

What is going on with teenagers nowadays? Like, especially with these teens, “Oh, sex is not a big deal. I’m curious about it.” I’m seeing it more after COVID. Like, once people are able to get out after being closed up for a year, they’re going out. But it’s so…
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Featured image for “Meditation to Calm our Kids”

Meditation to Calm our Kids

This is how we do meditation with kids. We get a very quiet place just sitting. I let kids either sit or lie down. I love to do body scans with kids, which basically focus on one part of their body at a time. So we’ll start with the head.…
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Contact Veenu Today

Working together will change yours and your families lives. As a family intervention specialist, I offer everyone a complimentary consultation to see if working together makes sense. Please complete the form below and I will get in touch to schedule a call.

And, don’t forget to take the assessment, it will give you some greater insight into your situation and solutions that can help.
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Contact Veenu today

Working together will change yours and your families lives. As a family intervention specialist, I offer everyone a complimentary consultation to see if working together makes sense. Please complete the form below and I will get in touch to schedule a call.

And, don’t forget to take the assessment, it will give you some greater insight into your situation and solutions that can help.

Schedule A Call