Parent Coaching To Bring Peace & Harmony To Your Family
I’m Veenu Keller. A few of my titles include parent coach, child behavioral specialist, in-home interventionist, certified Tony Robbins Life Coach, and founder of The InHome Family TurnAround Program.
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Parent Coaching To Bring Peace & Harmony To Your Family
I’m Veenu Keller. A few of my titles include parent coach, child behavioral specialist, in-home interventionist, certified Tony Robbins Life Coach, and founder of The InHome Family TurnAround Program.
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Parent Coaching To Bring Peace & Harmony To Your Family
I’m Veenu Keller. A few of my titles include parent coach, child behavioral specialist, in-home interventionist, certified Tony Robbins Life Coach, and founder of The InHome Family TurnAround Program.
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Parent Coaching To Bring Peace & Harmony To Your Family
I’m Veenu Keller. A few of my titles include parent coach, child behavioral specialist, in-home interventionist, certified Tony Robbins Life Coach, and founder of The InHome Family TurnAround Program.
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I help families when the peace
and harmony have gone out of their life...
This can happen after a time of intense stress (like the pandemic and zoom-learning) or it can follow a time of what I call “slow decline”. Slow decline means that for some length of time your family life hasn’t been great. It may have started with one stressor or incident that you dealt with, only to have another added, and then another. The problem is that your ability to cope has lessened with each stressful event. The latest issue may not even be a “big one”, it’s just the one that set you over the edge.
Living like this means you have suffered for a long time.
Parent coaching can help if this is all new to you or if you have lived with constant stress with your kids for years.
I help families when the peace
and harmony have gone out of their life...
This can happen after a time of intense stress (like the pandemic and zoom-learning) or it can follow a time of what I call “slow decline”. Slow decline means that for some length of time your family life hasn’t been great. It may have started with one stressor or incident that you dealt with, only to have another added, and then another. The problem is that your ability to cope has lessened with each stressful event. The latest issue may not even be a “big one”, it’s just the one that set you over the edge.
Living like this means you have suffered for a long time.
Parent coaching can help if this is all new to you or if you have lived with constant stress with your kids for years.
Tired of your kids fighting, disrespectful behavior, or out of control kids?
Very often, what I hear from my clients is that they look good on the outside. But if you were to spend the night with the family, you would see the chaos they live with. From bedtime drama, fights about technology, meal-time, homework… you name it, the few moments of peace happen when the kids are in bed. That is until the fights erupt between Mom and Dad...
Kids fight as a means of communicating. They learn early on how to get their needs met and if they have successfully figured out that crying, whining, arguing, or some other negative behavior ultimately gets them what they want, well, that’s a habit that needs to be broken if the behavior is to stop.
Is that easy? No. But, it is a lot like addiction, you can’t simply wish away a drinking or drug problem. To heal it, you have to face it. And that’s where I come in. As a parent coach, I know the least painful ways to get your family in line. I know the rules that need to live as unbreakable bonds between you and your kids, and where there is reasonable wiggle room that won’t result in a backslide.
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Tired of your kids fighting, disrespectful behavior, or out of control kids?
Very often, what I hear from my clients is that they look good on the outside. But if you were to spend the night with the family, you would see the chaos they live with. From bedtime drama, fights about technology, meal-time, homework… you name it, the few moments of peace happen when the kids are in bed. That is until the fights erupt between Mom and Dad...
Kids fight as a means of communicating. They learn early on how to get their needs met and if they have successfully figured out that crying, whining, arguing, or some other negative behavior ultimately gets them what they want, well, that’s a habit that needs to be broken if the behavior is to stop.
Is that easy? No. But, it is a lot like addiction, you can’t simply wish away a drinking or drug problem. To heal it, you have to face it. And that’s where I come in. As a parent coach, I know the least painful ways to get your family in line. I know the rules that need to live as unbreakable bonds between you and your kids, and where there is reasonable wiggle room that won’t result in a backslide.
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Take control of your parenting ...
For a lot of families, the daily stress has reached a point where they can’t see where to begin. What I can tell you is some actions matter more than others. The question is which ones are they? Is it worth it to argue about grades when there are other, seemingly bigger things to tackle? Maybe yes, maybe no.
Often the easiest place to start is with “new rules” that will lead to the fastest results so you stay motivated. You need a win. You need to see that “light at the end of the tunnel” so parenting stops feeling like a jail sentence and more like how you once wished it would be.
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Take control of your parenting ...
For a lot of families, the daily stress has reached a point where they can’t see where to begin. What I can tell you is some actions matter more than others. The question is which ones are they? Is it worth it to argue about grades when there are other, seemingly bigger things to tackle? Maybe yes, maybe no.
Often the easiest place to start is with “new rules” that will lead to the fastest results so you stay motivated. You need a win. You need to see that “light at the end of the tunnel” so parenting stops feeling like a jail sentence and more like how you once wished it would be.
Boot camp for kids... from the privacy of your home
You may have heard about boot camp for kids? In serious situations, some families opt to send their kids to programs like Outward Bound to try an immersive solution. When I work with families, kids get the same boot camp experience without leaving home.
This is the question. An InHome Turnaround is for families ready to change. They are past talking and complaining and they want answers. If you’ve reached your “enough is enough” these are your next steps.
Boot camp for kids... from the privacy of your home
You may have heard about boot camp for kids? In serious situations, some families opt to send their kids to programs like Outward Bound to try an immersive solution. When I work with families, kids get the same boot camp experience without leaving home.
This is the question. An InHome Turnaround is for families ready to change. They are past talking and complaining and they want answers. If you’ve reached your “enough is enough” these are your next steps.
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Do You Need An InHome Turnaround?
This is the question. An InHome Turnaround is for families ready to change. They are past talking and complaining and they want answers. If you’ve reached your “enough is enough” these are your next steps.
1 - Take the assessment
2 - Explore your results
3 - Schedule a call with me
Take the Assesment

Do You Need An InHome Turnaround?
This is the question. An InHome Turnaround is for families ready to change. They are past talking and complaining and they want answers. If you’ve reached your “enough is enough” these are your next steps.
- Take the assessment
- Explore your results
- Schedule a call with me
Take the Assesment

Contact Veenu today
Parent coaching helps the entire family, even when we’re focused on your kids and their challenges. I offer every family a complimentary consultation to see if working together makes sense. Please complete the form below and I will get in touch to schedule a call.
And, don’t forget to take the assessment, it will give you some greater insight into your situation and possible solutions that can help.

Contact Veenu today
Parent coaching helps the entire family, even when we’re focused on your kids and their challenges. I offer every family a complimentary consultation to see if working together makes sense. Please complete the form below and I will get in touch to schedule a call.
And, don’t forget to take the assessment, it will give you some greater insight into your situation and solutions that can help.