Professional and Personal Development Coaching
As a Life Coach, Veenu Keller specializes in helping others to achieve personal success in their lives. To find out WHO they are? Veenu coaches on Identity. What you think of yourself, is what you are.We all have different strategies that we think are helping us get to our goals, but in all actuality we are getting the same results with no changes? Why?? Because there is ALWAYS a STORY!
As a coach I explore what that story is. Where did it come from? Why have you hung on to it for so long? AND How do you finally divorce the story and rewrite a new one.
The ultimate goal is to help individuals define who they truly are and to achieve the goals they set for themselves.
Veenu’s diverse training and expertise enables her to provide a unique combination of strategies and life action-plans that are individually tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.
Behavior Coaching
Assisting Teens/Young Adults find their identity. Everyone has developed over the years certain patterns (behaviors) that keep them doing the same thing over and over again that produce the same result. Teens/Young Adults are at a very special time in their life. They have amazing dreams! They are very passionate about many things in their life. At times because of their past, they have different filters that may lead them to believe no one hears them, at least the way they want to be heard. Through my coaching I assist them with finding their place in their life. I assist them
Youth Coaching
She has an amazing way of connecting with teens and assisting them through challenging times. She gives them the tools to allow them to create a compelling future for themselves! She assists them with gaining back their self-esteem, self-worth and learning their true identity. In doing so, Veenu also works with the PARENTS in order to create lasting change. The results she has achieved have been astounding!
Veenu’s unique approach to Life Coaching is the key to your success. With her expertise in such a variety of diverse strategies, she is able to assess your personal situation, each step of the way, and offer you the tools needed to meet your needs. As your situation and needs change, she is able to adjust the strategies accordingly. This provides you with the on-going support and tools necessary to see the results you desire.
Veenu is dedicated to providing you with the tools and training needed to maximize your life-skills in order to achieve your personal goals. Her Life Coaching sessions are a means to assist you in setting and achieving your goals, in order to help you reach your maximum potential as you move forward. It is NOT therapy and does not require you to come to our offices. It is a series of personal mentoring, coaching, and training to equip you with strategies and tools specific to your situation. All sessions are confidential.
Family Coaching
Sometimes in the family dynamics roles get misinterpreted. Sometimes the child/teen becomes the one that is “calling the shots.” Veenu has a system that she uses to coach weekly or come into the home for 4 days to help set up systems in order for the parents to gain the control back in their home. During the visit, Veenu will assist you with finding out what is the behavior communicating.? What is the parent’s behavior communicating? She will then help the family with establishing boundaries and strategies in order to live in unison with each other.