Implications of Blame and Shame

Blaming and shaming our kids becomes something more than just punishing your child; your child feels bad. Actually, when we blame and shame our children, what we are doing is taking away their self-worth. I have a client I was working with, and his parents told him that he had to get all A’s. If he didn’t get all A’s, …

What Celebration Does

When we teach our kids to celebrate, when we teach them to be their own raving fans, can you imagine how that will stack through their lifetime? Can you imagine what it would feel like to be able to celebrate themselves and not wait for someone in the audience to celebrate them? I remember being at one of my children’s …

How to Focus on Our Kids’ Strengths vs. their Weaknesses

Parenting doesn’t come easy all the time. I get so busy as a parent doing the work that we need to do. Even if we’re not working, like we’re on the weekends, we’re doing chores, we’re doing laundry, and all of a sudden your child does something and we stop. What are we doing? We tell them, “You shouldn’t be …

Rewards versus Punishments

A punishment is if your child comes home and they’re not doing their chores, they’re not doing their homework, and you’re taking the iPad away from them, or you’re taking something away from them. That is a punishment. If we were going to flip that around and make it a reward, it’s because they don’t have it yet. In order …

How Do You Know If Your Kids Trust You?

Trust is something that is the foundation of all relationships, not just with you and your business partner, not just with you and your friend, or you and your partner, but also with our children. How are we building trust with our children? Trust is definitely two-way. One of the ways that we want to trust our children is when …

Strengthen Our Child’s Inner Voice

When I was a young child, I would always hear the things that I was not doing right instead of all the things that I was doing correctly. Between what I was hearing at home and getting made fun of at school, my inner voice was not very nice to me. My inner voice never celebrated me; my inner voice …

Love Languages

How do you know your kids love you? How do you know that when your kids show you love, you show them love? Let’s talk about Dr. Gary Chapman’s “The 5 Love Languages,” acts of service, quality time, touch, gifts, and words of affirmation. Have you already taken the five love languages and know your top two? Mine, personally, are …

What It Means to Give Our Kids Gifts

What does it mean to give our kids gifts? I saw a lot of different sayings and quotes throughout the holiday in regards to how we know what’s too much to give to our kids. How do we give to our kids without them feeling entitled or greedy? How do we give to our kids so they can really just …

Lazy Days or Time to Recharge

There was a time years and years ago when on those days of my pajama days, I had a husband. I was married two years ago, and he used to call them my lazy days. Lazy day became a word to me. Every time that I would get home from work and I would do everything right for the whole …