My Child Has Anxiety, I Think...

My Child Has Anxiety, I Think…

Anxiety is a feeling that occurs when there is uncertainty about a situation, environment, activity. Most people think that anxiety is about panic attacks. Panic attacks actually are just a symptom of anxiety. It is the way the body reacts to the anxiety it is feeling. Think of it as the body protecting itself. So if your child isn’t experiencing …

If You Could Hear These Scars What Would They Say?

I remember the day I first cut. It was like a wave of emotions just flowing out of my body. I could breathe again. I didn’t feel the heaviness on my chest. The literal pain in my heart was gone. Gone for that brief moment. It was the 1st time, I felt in control of what I was feeling. I …


If we go back to when our child is 1st born, how do you know if they are hungry, uncomfortable, hurting, sleepy, etc.? They cry. Crying is the 1st way a child learns to communicate with others. Crying is the way the child learns how to build a relationship with their parent and caretakers. Crying helps a child build trust. …

13 Reasons Why This Movie Is NEEDED

The Movie That Has Sparked A Lot Of Controversy Is Actually Much Needed I am very sad to hear of the passing of teenagers. I hear about teen suicide almost on a daily basis. There are many reasons why someone wants to take their life. I’ve seen as recently as of today how many want to blame the movie “13 …

The Best Way To Teach Your Child Is To Show Your Child

What Are you Modeling? What kind of role model are you being for your child? How you show up in your life is a reflection in your children. I look at my children the older ones and the young ones I recognize so many different behaviors.  Some I love and others that I’m curious where they learned them. As a …

Are You Respected By Your Children?

Are You Respected By Your Children? What does that mean to you as a parent? What does respect mean to your child? When I work with families the top thing I’ve seen is that their children yell at them, or ignore them when asked to do something. This behavior is accepted. Yes it really is. Yelling back at your child …

Self Harm is Not the Only Option, Re-write Your Story

Self harm is a private behavior. Due to this, it is difficult to get accurate statistics. Studies have shown that 1 out of 5 girls are cutting and 1 out of 7 boys are inflicting self-harm. Two million reports have been made, but how accurate are these studies? So many incidences go unreported. This gives you an idea of what …

The Peaceful Family Home – No More Tantrums or Meltdowns

Do you have a peaceful family home? How many tantrums occur in a day? Is there power struggles going on? Are you about to pull out your hair because you do not know what to do? What would it look like if you did not have to yell anymore? Great News, I’ve been where you have been. I have a solution. …