How do you know when you, as the parent, are reinforcing the behavior you’re seeing in your child that drives you absolutely bonkers? It doesn’t matter if you have a younger kid, an older kid, or maybe even a teenager. Think about a time when there’s some type of behavior that’s going on with your child and it just drives …
Helping our Kids with the Anger that they’re Feeling Inside
How do we help our kids with the anger that they’re feeling inside? Whether they’re young and they’re expressing it through yelling, throwing things, hitting, or the attitude we get as they get older when they’re answering us, sometimes their anger shows up if we ask them to do something, then they ignore us. What is anger? For kids, a …
Engaging your Kids in Meaningful Conversation
How many of you actually feel that it’s easy to have a conversation with your kids? I’m not just talking about a conversation of, “How’s your day? It’s good. Okay, great. What do you want to do today?” I’m talking about a real conversation that has engagement, that has emotion in it, and that has thought to it. A lot …
How Do We Bring Our Kids into Compassion?
How do we bring our kids into compassion? How do we bring people into our lives with compassion? I was talking with one of my clients earlier, and we were talking about how when somebody is talking about other people and bringing them down, like if there is a kid at school, maybe your child comes and talks to you …
How Do We Get Our Kids to Trust Us?
A lot of us parents are always consumed with our kids lying, how we don’t trust them, and how we trust our kids. I kind of want to flip the script today. How do our kids trust us? What is it specifically that we can do as parents to gain the trust of our children? There’s this preconceived notion that …
Creating Spiritual Child
How do we help create a spiritual child? Many people look at spirituality, like my friend Ariane was saying yesterday on my show, with a stereotype that spiritualities are these people with all these crystals, drinking green juices, and wearing white clothes. Spirituality is deeper than that, and as we explained on the show yesterday, spirituality kind of goes deeper. …
How Do We Get Our Kids to Listen to Us
How do we get our kids to listen to us? What I have noticed, especially lately with my own twins, is realizing what their formula is. We can really figure out what their formula is when we get really present and listen. There are times that I, too, don’t see my own blind spots. I make decisions about whether to …
What Stress is in Our Life?
It seems that everyone is completely overtaken by the stress in their lives. While I was doing coaching this week with some of my clients, I realized how much stress our kids are feeling and how it shows up in their lives. Stress can show up in our kids’ lives through some of the behaviors they’re having, whether they’re withdrawing, …
What Does Self-Worth Mean to Your Kids?
Many of our kids don’t have self-worth. When you ask them what is meant by self-worth, they will say, “Well, it’s how I feel about myself. It’s how I love myself. It’s what I think about myself.” All of that “yes”, how do you achieve it? Do you really know what self-worth means? So I asked them, “How do you …